Truly, it´s nice and hot and brighter than the sun! I'm burning up here and not even getting tanner ... not fair. But this past week truly has been a bright in the spiritual aspect as well and I'll tell you why.
Well, update from the DR! Cifrida is strong and her baptism is this Saturday! We are just praying that her health can hold up. We have what's called a Noche Blanca or white night on saturday, where all the missionaries in our zone have tried and planned baptisms for this day to have together ... sadly, it's not many, but we are staying positive. Miracles happen! Mireya is also doing good ... she has a problem with coffee, but we are working with her on it. She's been drinking coffee every morning for 65 years!!! And its hard to stop, but she has the desire to change. We're praying a lot for her. Saohny is also doing good. She hasn't come to church in a while because she's obligated to take care of her grandma on Sundays ... so we are trying to talk to her mom about that. We are also teaching the Familia Guzman (the one where we contacted the boy and his parents followed) and they have a ton of potential. There are a couple of problems that they have, but we have been teaching about the importance of the family and plan on taking them to the temple this week Thursday. They are super great and the mom really liked the stake conference we had yesterday, which focused a lot on the family. I hope that now is their time.
So, unfortunately, I can't write about all the spiritual experiences I've had or the revelations that I've received in this past week, but they haven't been few. My testimony of the family has strengthened and I'm realizing the importance of having a family and applying the principles and doctrines of the gospel in the family. It's been a great week. We had a leaders meeting last thursday, which was a big discussion of how we can take the things that we learn in these meetings and communicate them effectively to the rest of the missionaries in the mission. In my short time that i've been here, i've been blessed to see how much the mission has changed, especially in the focus of temples and families. This past stake conference weekend was really great too! Us 4 sisters were in the stake choir (it's a small group of us) and so we were able to go to both sessions of conference (btws, this is the first stake conference I've had in a year. every time my stake would announce one, i'd be transferred out before they had it lol). And it talked a lot about taking the teachings we learn and applying them not only every Sunday in our callings, but also in the walls of our own homes. It was super spiritual and the Spirit was truly there to testify that these things are true.
Well, that's about it for now! But I encourage you all to take what you learn during church and apply it into every day of your life, not just on Sundays. Make every moment count! Love you all and thank you for your love, support and prayers. Take care and have a good week!
Love, aloha, y amor,
Hermana Ho
Sorry guys....some things never change
Us and Sis. Corbitt
Us and our Zone Leaders
Us and 2 friends who invited themselves into the pic
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