Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic

Monday, October 27, 2014

Cause I'm Almost There

Hola mi familia! 

I'm so glad to hear from all of you about your activities! 

Dad, Thanks for your advice with Enercy. Yeah, she didn't get baptized cause her parents think she's immature and not ready and that it's a big sin if she gets baptized then falls away from the church (which it kinda is, but they look at it like it's as bad as killing someone or something), and so she's not ready for that responsibility. But now she's kinda giving up and hasnt been to church in a while. We don't really know what to do. We're gonna keep visiting her and talking with her parents and helping her talk with her parents cause her mom said she doesn't know what Enercy does in the church. ... so yeah, we'll see. 

Okay, so questions to answer: I'm doing okay. We are moving houses this week (even though transfers are next week). We were supposed to move on Friday, so I had everything planned out what to do this week. Then we got a call literally at 2pm today saying that we are moving out tomorrow at 9am. Yeah ... So i'm really sorry if this email sounds like I'm stressed out ... cause I kinda am. Thus, the title of my email is from The Princess and the Frog 1) cause it was playing in 2 houses on tv the other day and 2) cause I'm almost to the end of the transfer. Then lots of questions will be resolved, hopefully haha. The weather here for some reason is sooooo humid. I thought it was supposed to cool down! But no. Yesterday, there was no electricity in the chapel until the last hour. So after walking to a less active's home and her not being there, then walking all the way to the hot chapel, I was quite literally swimming in my own sweat. It was nasty. But oh well. If there's one thing I've learned out in the field so far, it's to get over it. I won't go into details about that though lol. My wardrobe is all good, thank you mom :)  I'm not desperate for anything though. I'm all good! 

And dad, Maria and Ignacio are the couple that still need to get married. For them, it costs a lot more to get married cause they're from Haiti. Normally, it's 1,400 pesos to get married, plus 500 for every kid you already have. It's not a lot of US money, but here, it's a lot and the people here don't have that kind of money. So that's why the law of chastity is a problem; many can't afford to get married, so they just move in together and stay together. Divorce is even more expensive, so some don't even want to get married because there's that possibilty that divorce could happen. It's really sad. But it's not uncommon for people to have 7 siblings, 3 from their mom and 4 from their dad, etc. But yeah, so Maria and Ignacio are loved by the ward, but they don't exactly have the money to get baptized. And maria needs her papers still, so she's still looking for them. 

So we didn't have too much happen this past week. So I'll talk more about some stuff and people here. I have a friend named Johan Guzman who is in the ward.  Not sure if I talked about him yet. But he's leaving for Georgia on Thursday, if all goes well. He's like ... well, basically we're bffs. hahaha simply put. He's about 30 and has an adorable 7 year old son, no wife. But he does have a girlfriend! He's a recent convert of about 8 months I think and strong. he's so involved with everything and always is trying to help us out with missionary work. We (me and him) have like these jokes that go on between us and we're always laughing! I have a pic with him and I gave him a couple leis cause he's leaving (he was jealous he didn't get some at the baptisms). But I'm gonna miss him a lot.

I also have another friend, Diego. I think he's a recent convert of 4 months? He's 19 and when he told us that after he was baptized "people came up to me and asked me when I was going to serve a mission. Being baptized just isn't enough for you people is it?!" hahaha I love the guy! But yeah, we got jokes between us. He speaks pretty good english, so the other day I called him a crack-up (like a person who just cracks me up all the time, cause he seriously does!), but he didn't get it and so the closest word to that in spanish is "tonto." ... I don't think it's the best word to use, cause I think he got offended ... so I gots to fix things with that ... but he's so cool and he's like Johan; willing to come with us to anything. Oh and he's the YW 1st counselor. He's great! 

I live with 2 other hermanas in my house (well, until tomorrow). Hermana Cox and Hermana Chan. Hermana Cox is from Nebraska and is just awesome! They are the sister training leaders in our zone and are amazing! She's been here for a while in this area and is going home after the next transfer. But I've learned so much from her! She's literally someone you can be around and just feel that she's a great missionary. Then there's Hermana Chan who is just adorable! I believe she's from the city Chiuaua in Mexico. She doesn't speak much English, so I'm helping her with that and she's helping me with my Spanish. I wish I could talk to her about EVERYTHING cause we have so much in common! But I just don't have the vocab down yet lol. But she likes going to the beach, she likes dancing (bachata, merengue, salsa), she likes the color blue, and she loves to eat! Anything, pretty much. We're basically sisters. After all, we are a part of the Lamanite generation :)

I love my companion! I've learned so much from her these past months and I think I'm ready to face the future, whether or not we are companions next week. She's seriously amazing and has gone through so much, especially physically. But she is a great example to me in so many aspects. 

I've discovered a lot of the sisters here get sick or pains in their bodies, so I'm trying to do all I can to avoid that. I'm doing good so far, but please pray for me :) I'd rather be walking and melting in the hot sun than melting in the house, not being able to go out. 

We found 2 families this past week who could have a lot of potential. One is a family of 4 and the dad contacted us ... sort of. It's a long story how we met. It might have included his friend proposing to Hermana Flethcher and wanting to move to the states with her ... and so he was embarassed by his friend. But he waved us over a couple days later to talk to us and so we are going to work with him and see how that goes :) Another family, the dad happened to be at a recent convert's home when we came over and he had questions about life after death. So we visited his home another day and his wife also asked if her family that has passed will have a chance to hear the gospel. She's adventista (not sure what the english word for that religion is, sorry), but they have 4 kids and they said we could come back. So yeah!

That's about all for this week. Sorry that it's a little stressful sounding. But don't worry, I'm doing okay! Still smiling, still laughing, still learning spanish. And don't worry mom, I still can't really understand Frankelly still ... he's hard to understand. The language is getting easier. And the gift of tongues exists. It's kinda like medicine: just takes time and effort to kick in. But it's coming :) I understand a lot more than I did on day 1! Thanks for all your prayers, all your love and support. I think it really does help my days. Cause I don't know what it is that I'm doing, but the days are getting easier and somewhat faster. So thank you! Love you all and keep moving forward!! Talk to you guys next week :)

Love and aloha and saludos,
Hermana Ho

Monday, October 20, 2014

This Week...

Sorry, couldn't think of anything for the title this week. But I do have a few things to say.

First, thanks for inviting Frank Kelly! Hahaha it's funny because you are talking with him mom and I feel like Alex is talking with dad. Oh which reminds me dad that Alex says "Saludos Kyle para mi!" aka "Tell Kyle hi for me!" So yeah, you guys are pretty popular here in the DR. But Frankeli always likes to update me on when he's talked to you hahaha 

Second, congrats on your calling! or your one less calling :) That's awesome! plus, i think it'll go hand in hand with the school choir. Idk why you're worrying so much, i'm sure you're doing great. If it makes you feel better, here in the DR, everyone and I mean EVERYONE likes to sing! The only thing is that most don't really know how... if you know what I mean, but they'll sing anyway. So we can't really do parts in our ward choir. I guess what makes it so special is the desire that they have to sing and that they sing with their whole souls! In the end, don't worry about how it'll turn out. For the school choir, the kids will bring something special with each number, in pitch or not :) They have that spirit with them every time they sing. And in the ward choir, the spirit is in every song. And those people want to be there too, they aren't obligated (unless maybe, it's your family hahaha jk jk) but because of their desire, and their soul that they put into it, it'll be fine. 

As for mission prep...The more practice you get in before hand, the better! it's not fun all the time, but then again the question is, is mission prep for you? or is mission prep for those the Lord is and has prepared for you? :) I've discovered this week that the Lord has great plans for each of us. For example, Frankeli. We've seen him a lot since his baptism and each time, he's different. In a good way. In the way where me and Hermana Fletcher look at him and just FEEL his potential that he has in the church. Even his semi-less active mom said that he has a lot of potential. We don't know what the Lord has in store for him, but Frankeli's only one example that the Lord has great plans for each of us.

As for everything else in Hawaii, wow! That's so awesome! And thanks for the pics! Everyone is sooo .... grown up! Except dad. hahaha I feel like dad just gets more and more hilarious every time! hahaha love ya dad! And thanks for doing the name! If you can, can you please do the initiatory? because I think we only do sessions. We only have time for that much. 

So, there weren't any life-threatening events that happened this week, so i'll take this time to tell you guys more about the people we see.

Enercy is getting baptized hopefully! Since she is only 13, we need permission from her parents. When we went to talk to her mom, her stepdad was there ... and we asked her mom if she could get baptized and her stepdad said no ... thing is, I don't think there's a solid relationship between Enercy and her stepdad ... and there was a heated discussion between Hermana Fletcher and him about it (not to the point of shouting or anything, but both sides were ... yeah.) Then there's me ... oh hey, i'll pretend I understand every word. lol, but she got her interview, so we need to talk to her mom this week. Since the stepdad was there, her mom was VERY hesitant to sign the paper, when any other day, she probably would've just signed it. There's more to the story than we know, but if all goes well, we're baptizing her this saturday!

Gladys: she is about 45 years old and is menos activo. less active. Sorry, spanglish is kicking in. But she joined the church when she was 15 and then went less active after she got married. But then she had a really traumatic accident in her brain, to the point that she forgot2 years of her life. she had to relearn how to eat too. But slowly, she started getting her memory back. And this is a miracle because that just doesn't happen after what she had. So her son has been trying to force her to come to the Evangelico church, but she told him that when she goes to church, she's going to go to the right one and she knows that this church is the right one. The only issue we have with her is her health. She lives a long ways away from the church and wants to walk, but her health is sketchy. But she has that testimony and strong desire to go to church! So we're trying to get a member to drive her to church every sunday.

Arlette: She is a 13 year old girl who's dad died a month ago. her mom works basically from 5am-6pm or so and she lives with her 2 sisters. She wants to come to church, but she has so many needs right now. She's sweet, even though she has some sass and attitude sometimes, but we know that she is hurting from her dad's passing. So we are trying to work with her.

Willy, Argeni, Angelina, Manuel: This is a family. Willy is the dad who isn't working ... I think he has some family that pays for things for him. His wife, who he just married (legally), left for Spain to work. So his sons, Argeni and Manuel, and his daughter Angelina are very interested in the church and they each have a BOM because they want to read it. They love reading it and showing us how much they read! We're trying to work with Willy to stay in lessons with us cause sometimes he's there or sometimes he goes and does something else, despite the fact that we are teaching him too ... So we'll see what happens :)

Samir: He is 20 with a 1.5 year old daughter, who is just adorable! He's a less active. His mom is the 1st counselor in the relief society and his brothers, Michael and Vicito,are so sweet. His mom, Samirka, is a single mom and she raised these boys soooo well. All three of them are really good guys and has so much potential. Michael taught me the right way to iron a white collared shirt the other night and in turn, I gave him a preach my gospel book in spanish. Anyway, Samir wants to come back to church, but he's in the university full time and has a full-time job and his only days off are sundays. Plus he has his daughter. He's a great guy and the good news is that he came to church yesterday! oh, and fun fact about him: His nickname is "chiquito" which translates to "tiny." Everyone calls him that. But let me tell you, the guy is huge. he's tall and fit. everything BUT chiquito! so it's a joke between me an my companion :)

That's about all for now. We are currently looking for new investigators. Oh and btws, yesterday, Alex and Frankelly got the priesthood yesterday!! Yay! I didn't get to go and see it cause I had an emergency exchange (one of the hermanas in my house is sick and since our chapel is closer, she went there while I went to hers). But yay! This week, I have a challenge for you all: Think of someone you know, family, friend, teacher, coworker, anyone, that you are having a hard time getting along with, and find a way to serve them. Serve them with all your heart might mind and strength. Then let me know the outcome :) 

Love you all! Keep being involved and don't give up on anything! Remember, the Lord is with you, even when you feel alone or when you feel down about something. Love you all! 

Love, and Aloha, and saludos,
Hermana Ho

Monday, October 13, 2014

We got pictures!

Kamalei is unable to download her pictures, but one of the investigators that got baptized found me on facebook and sent me these pictures!  Yay!

There can be miracles when you believe though hope is frail, it's hard to kill

Okay, the title of the email: holy smokes. have you guessed the movie yet? or the singers? :) Anyway, that has to do with the baptisms. but first, let me get through the week. 
So sometime this past week, I was at Frankelly's house and his brother francisco and his (step)mom Yanny (pronounced Honey) were there. We had an FHE with them and after, I taught them hula. I couldn't dance, but the guys is easy to show without doing anything. So I showed them and when I tried to get a beat going, ... Francisco started beat boxing! hahahaha it was hilarious! These two young guys, trying to do hula to beat boxing! ohmygosh you should've seen Francisco's umi!! Hahahahahahahaha i couldn't show them, I could only try and explain it to them. But They both bent their knees super low and they did it!! hahaha I tried to tell them about tahitian ... that was fun. So Francisco did a little tahitian too hahahah oh mi madre it was so hilarious! But yeah. Just a little about my family here for you guys. Plus, every time we pass the house and Frankelly is outside, he always shouts "ALOHA!" to us hahaha they only live like 3 houses down, so we pass pretty frequently.
Also, I was a little sick this past week. Just a cold, but I was exhausted every day. So when we went to Frankelly's house on that day (not the same as the hula night), he made me a tea. I got my first tea, ever, in my life. He went around and picked leaves off these random (okay, dad, not random, but idk which ones) trees, and bought some halls (yes, the cough medicine), and boiled it in water. It was pretty good! And I felt a lot better after that. He's awesome :)
Okay, now for the baptisms. This was a roller coaster. So, we had the 2 baptisms on Saturday at 6pm. No one really showed up until 6pm. and then that was only 2 (one was doing the baptism and the other, his brother, was welcoming them into elders quorum). No stress, right? Slowly, one person after another showed up. excluding alex and frankelly. it didn't help that neither of them answered their phones. rewind to a couple hours earlier: I tried to look nice. didn't think i would sweat much. but that was before we went to pick up someone who lives yay far away. So we arrive at the church at 3:30 for english class, sweaty and gross, and with the 3 girls we went to pick up ... one of which has major, major ... sass. Sorry to say it. But keep that in mind. English class didn't go to good either ... Stress added up. Then after, we had to set up for the baptism ... but we didn't know we were going to really have to babysit the 3 girls. Stress. Then Alex and Frankelly don't show up. ... and then it's 6:10. and all these other young men are here who are participating in the program. 6:20. OUr ward mission leader shows up in his car, and we tell him the problem. So he goes to look for Alex. 6:40. Comes back with Alex, and me and hna Fletcher are just overjoyed! Then Johan Guzman comes (another one of my really great friends! He's a recent convert of 4 months but soooo involved in the church! Plus, he was doing the baptism for Frankelly) and I almost hug the guy cause I'm so happy to see him! Then we are just praying that Frankelly comes and we turn around, and Frankelli walks in!!! I almost cry. Seriously. So the baptisms may have started 45-50minutes late, but they happened! And we got some great pics too! Oh, and after, we gave them their leis (they had like 3 candy ones each and the fake flower ones) and they are sooo excited to see them! Especially frankelly! I showed him my pics of people in leis and when I told him that i'd give him some for his baptism, he was soooo excited! Anyway, the other young men there (mind you, these are 19-23 year old guys, members) saw the leis and were all like "so when are you going to baptize me?!" hahaha but the best part was when that happened, Frankelli and Alex opened up their candy and shared it with everyone! I was not expecting that, but that was awesome! I love those guys! Anyways, this is one of the miracles that happened that day. I lacked some hope, but I had hope. and faith. and strangly, even though I was stressed, I was at peace too, because I knew it was in the Lord's hands.
The next day, we recieved 3 new guys into our ward who were confirmed in sacrement meeting. Alex and Frankelly and another guy, Danny (who was taught by the other hermanas in our ward. There's 4 of us). It was a happy day :) Little side note, but last night, we had a stake meeting with all the leaders in the stake and wards. and we went over baptismal goals for each ward. Some wards had high high goals, but the actual number was super low. Our ward had a goal of 31 baptisms. and our actual number that we had as of right now is 24! We were the closest to our goal! I know it's not a competition, but it goes to show how blessed I am to have a ward that works so closely with the missionaries. So blessed :)
Life here in the DR is good. I'm understanding more spanish every day. Can't say I can speak it, but I'm getting the hang of it. And time flies here! The days feel like weeks, but the weeks feel like days! My comp and I are doing good. Besides having a cold, I've been good. Please pray for the other hermanas in my house though. They have some health issues, and we are hoping that one of them isn't too serious. Also, i have an interview with President Corbitt this week. I love this guy! Me and Hermana Cox were talking about him (we had splits the other day and it was me and her. She's also the sister trainging leader of our area) and we both said that we imagine that the atmosphere that surrounds him is the same that surrounded Christ. He just has so many christ-like attributes and he's so understanding and has so much knowledge! He's so great!
Anyway, that's all I have for this week. Well, it's a lot, but yeah. It's good stuff. And if there's one thing to get out of this, it's to have hope. and faith in the Lord. All of the Christ-like attributes.
Anyways, enjoy your week back at school! Good luck with everything! And good luck with your jobs! Thanks for being an amazing family! I love sharing about you guys with my investigators and contacts. Believe it or not, your pics are shared a lot :) Love you guys! And have a great week!

Love and Aloha,
Hermana Ho

Monday, October 6, 2014

Almost is Never Enough

Hola mi familia hermosa! Como estan?!

Hope all is well back home with you guys! Before I begin to tell you of the crazy adventures we had this past week, I need to address you all first. Entonces (so), here it is: 
1) Remember how the Camachos gave me postcards with their testimonies written on the back? I gave out a few of them. So if you don't mind telling them about it. I gave Auli'is to Enercy, the 13 year-old girl who is getting ready to get baptized. And I showed her the picture too. And I gave uncle Nephi's to Frankeli (i mean, Frank Kelly ... didn't find out how his name was spelled until this past week when we filled out the baptism form). Frankeli LOVED it! He kept saying " ay, muy bonito, muy bonito" (yes, really nice, really nice). Plus, he got a kick out of the picture of them that I showed him (their christmas pic with the mustaches). And when we went to visit him after that, he saw it again and freaked out all over and his family got a little jealous that he had a hawaiian postcard hahaha!! It was great!
2) Dad, you told me to tell Alex hi. So I told him that you said hi and he was like "what have you told him about me!?" I think he was kinda freaked out about what I told you about him. But ever since then (aka. since last tuesday, and we've seen him pretty much every day since), he's always been like, "Saludos kyle! (Hi kyle!)" "tell kyle hi for me!" "Tell kyle!" well, he has a hard time with your name, so it's more like kiol ... but yeah. He says Hi! So you got a bro here in the DR! hahaha

Okay, so where to begin ... oh. okay. So, i can honestly say now, that I am grateful for water. And plumbing. Or just having buckets of water. So, here in the DR, the city pumps water to all the towns like once a week and it's stored in a cistern (I think that's the word) or a well ... it's not consistent though. And so we ran out of water this past week. So ... we had to lift water from the giant well below our house. The water was from the very bottom though and so we scooped up a lot of icky stuff ... and to think that's the water we shower in. and wash our dishes with ... trying not to think about it. But I got a true Dominican experience of bringing up water from the well, DR style. We may have lost a bucket ... and had a Domincian help us fish it out ... it was kinda embarrassing cause when Hna Cox (one of the sisters that lives with me) asked her if she'd ever lost a bucket like this, she said "no this is the first time ..." small kine embarrassing ... just a little. But hey, we got water! Anyway, so I got my first bucket shower here in the DR! for about 4 days, we had to do that until my companion kinda lost it and we went to another hermana's home and showered. That was BEAUTIFUL! Now, we have water (our house owners who live downstairs filled up our well from a water truck ... yes there are water trucks that drive around all day specifically for that purpose)... but our water pump is broken. hahaha oh, well, I'm just glad we have water. And I didn't realize how much water you can save when you're desperate; for showers, washing dishes, clothes, flushing toilets... yeaaaaa. hahaha but esta bien (it's ok). I'm okay with it because I know that i'm not gonna be living like this forever ... hopefully. Let's just say that the next time we go to the temple, I'm going to enjoy using a flushing toilet ... I mean, the session too ;)

This past week we focused a LOT on Alex and Frankeli because their baptisms are this saturday at 6pm!!! Yay!! So last Monday night, we had a noche de hogar (night of house aka. FHE) at our mission leader's home and we brought Alex and his little daughter! I kept her preoccupied the whole time so Alex could participate (I didn't mind ;) plus I didn't understand all of what was being said): Then, in the middle of the lesson, I hear "Ho!" and I look down (we were on the 2nd story of a house on the balcony) and see Frankeli with his brother Wander! So they joined us and afterwards, when we were walking home, Alex wouldn't stop talking to Frankeli (Yes, he is a talker). Basically, within this past week, they've become bros (thank you, thank you, I know, me and my comp are pretty good hahahaha jk jk). But they had their intervistas (interviews) for baptism and they both passed! We went over the baptismal questions with them a lesson before their interviews and with each one, I asked at the end "Who is Jesus Christ to you?" It's not a baptismal question, but I felt as though I should ask it. Honestly, I didn't understand much of their words, but the spirit was so strong. I know they're ready. 
And i'm so excited for them! Plus, a little bonus: They attended conference together AND a convert baptism with us!!! Well, we picked up Frankeli 3 times (his house is right down the street from us) and Alex came of his free will 2 times and they sat together and when we walked home, they talked. They attended 3 sessions! Dude, I have some legit pics of all these events but this computer doesn't let me upload! So if one week, you just get pics and captions, you know. I sooooo want to show you guys! Oh well 

Okay, so conference ... I watched all except the saturday morning one in spanish. It's soooooooo hard. We sat in the spanish session with Frankeli and Alex and a couple other investigators, Maria and Ignacio (they are working on getting married so they can be baptized. The thing is, it's expensive to get married. And her birth certificate papers are in Haiti ... so it's so hard to get them! It's a trial of their faith. But they are such a cute couple! Ignacio so wants to get baptized and I'm hoping maria too. Hopefully they can get married soon! If it's in this month, I might be able to see them to the temple in a year!). So it was a rough conference for me. And it made me a little homesick. And I couldn't focus. But honestly, it was pretty cool. And how was the native speaking!?!? Us missionaries had heard rumors of this happening, but wow!! That was awesome! Oh, btw, Elder Richard G. Scott (I believe that's him) translates his own talks into spanish. It's easier to pay attention to the voice of the speaker rather than the translator. So ... I was wondering if, when you guys are done with it family, you could send me the Ensign with all the talks in it please? It doesn't matter when, just in the future. oh, and lei nets too! Cause we are making leis for the baptisms and I realize those lei nets would be really useful too. 

Oh, and the title of this email. So, if there is one thing that I've had a big boche (strict lecture kinda thing) on is that even when you think you've done enough or had enough, it's not enough. The biggest thing with me is patience. I thought I had a lot of patience coming into the mission. Nope. Nope. and Nope. hahaha I'm discovering every day that it's so not enough patience. And sometimes it's hard to have the faith that I can ever have enough patience. Patience in afflictions, patience with people, patience with understanding spanish or learning it for that fact. Another attribute I thought I did a good enough job on is people skills. But dang, i'm so awkward. Not knowing spanish doesn't help anything. Hahaha but the Lord sure has a sense of humor. And he also knows what I need or what I need to do for others. The other day during personal study, I was just reading my scriptures, and was only focusing on the story. It was about Alma addressing the poor Zoramites who were cast out of the synagogues of worship cause their clothes weren't nice enough, and he talks to them about faith and how it's like a seed. And the name that pops into my head, just randomly, is Frankeli's. So the Lord provides. I know he does. I don't know what I need and every time I think I'm doing enough or know enough about something, BAM! Boche! And then I'm humbled. Maybe the Lord just wants me to be more humble (which I thought I was pretty humble coming into this ... but I guess not lol). Moral of the story, is that in the mission and in life, don't get comfortable. It's like what my paddling coaches always said: "Don't get comfortable in your seat because someone can always take your spot. So work hard for it." I guess in life, we can't or shouldn't get comfortable with who we are. There is ALWAYS something to improve and either we know we have to improve that or the Lord will throw something our way to let us know what we need to improve on. So, what do we need to change about ourselves? 

Here in the mission it's so hard, cause i have to change so many things at once (physically, mentally emotionally, spiritually), and it's so stressful. But it's good cause I think I need it. But yeah. Don't get comfortable. I think that's the theme of the mission. And dad, thanks for sharing your contacting experience! That's so cool! I'm going to try different things to contact now hahaha maybe not the same as you, but I'll try cause I can't get comfortable :)  Plus, the word "almost" is Never, ever going to be enough. Looking back, that song talks about not being certain or sure of something. So, let's not be that. but don't be comfortable either. 

Anyway, I don't have time to email back everyone else (the power went out halfway through this email, so it was a few minutes before it came back on), but please let Bishop and Aunty Gigi know that I got their emails and love them and I will email them back sometime! Let everyone know that I love them and am grateful for the part they have played in my life, cause honestly, each and every individual I know or know of has blessed my life. 

Love you all and ttyl!!

Hermana Ho