Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic

Thursday, July 24, 2014

p.s. To Dad

 love you dad! Stay strong in your testimony and keep being an example for those around you. 

I know that I haven't always made the best choices in life.   I know that God puts us through trials for a reason, but I have faith in Him. I have faith that somehow, that trial has strengthened me for something that is going to come, whether on my mission or later. Thank you for being there for me. I still don't understand, even though i KNOW (there's difference between knowing and understanding) why good people go through hard trials. But today, after watching a missionary devotional by Elder Bednar, that with faith, we can trust God and in turn, he trusts us as we go through our trials to make the right choices. he refines us. Learning the language is a trial. A huge one, especially with my impecable memory with things (major sarcasm there). But I have faith. I know that He called me and that He has a plan for me, a perfect plan, the plan of happiness. and one day, after the struggles of speaking to people, everyone, I hope that when I see them again, whether this time or after, that i can see a whole bunch of people who I guided to Christ. I hope that I can meet each one of them, whether I only gave them a pamplet or whether i taught them, or greeted them with a smile or did temple work for them. And then i can say our Father "I did all I could, I sacrificed all I could, Father. Accept this, my offering." 

Love you dad. thank you again for your example and for your mission. I appreciate all that you and mom have done for me and keep doing. Thanks for staying in the church. I realize here, where there are first and second generation church members, the importance of keeping them and their families in the church. Many of my teachers are converts or parents are converts and they have to stay strong for their family and friends. so thank you for continuing to be in the church. Thanks for marrying mom and I'm glad she stayed strong when so many of her family members didn't. I love you guys! 

love and aloha,

Hermana Ho

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